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Airlines Global Industry Data [MarketLine] 2017 – 2026

Original price was: $1,495.00.Current price is: $10.00.


Original price was: $340.00.Current price is: $10.00.
stroke dataset-cover_axen analytics


Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $10.00.

This heart disease dataset is curated by combining 3 popular heart disease datasets. The first dataset (Collected from Kaggle)  contains 70000 records with 11 independent features which makes it the largest heart disease dataset available so far for research purposes. These data were collected at the moment of medical examination and information given by the patient. Second and third datasets contain 303 and 293 intstances respectively with 13 common features. The three datasets used for its curation are:

  1. Cardio Data (Kaggle Dataset)
  2. Cleveland (UCI Machine Learning Repository)
  3. Hungarian (UCI Machine Learning Repository)

This dataset can be used for building a predictive machine learning model for early-stage heart disease detection.

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Table 1: Kaggle cardiovascular disease dataset attributes description with some statistical calculation.

(Total Instances: 70,000)


Serial Number Variable Description
1 age-int (days)

Min: 10798, Max: 23713, Mean: 19468.866, StdDev: 2467.252

2 Height-int (cm)

Min: 55, Max: 250, Mean: 164.359, StdDev: 8.21

3 Weight-float (kg)

Min: 10, Max: 200, Mean: 74.206, StdDev: 14.396

4 gender-categorical code (f=female, m=male)
5 ap_hi-int

Min: -150, Max: 16020, Mean: 128.817, StdDev: 154.011

6 ap_lo-int

Min: -70, Max: 11000, Mean: 96.63, StdDev: 188.473

7 Cholesterol-1: normal, 2: above normal, 3: well above normal
8 gluc 1: normal, 2: above normal, 3: well above normal
9 Smoke-binary (1=smoker, 0=non-smoker)
10 Alco-binary (1=yes, 0=no)
11 active-binary (active=1, inactive=0)
  Target- binary (1=Presence = 1, 0=absence of cardiovascular disease)



Three different datasets Cleveland (303 instances), Hungarian (294 instances). These two datasets have been collected from the UCI machine learning repository.


Table 2. Cleveland, and Hungarian heart disease dataset attributes description.

Attributes Description Type
Age Age Integer
Sex Sex Integer


Cp Chest pain type Integer

1=typical angina, 2=atypical angina, 3=non-anginal pain, 4=asymptomatic

Trestbps Resting blood pressure Integer
Chol Serum cholestoral in mg/dl Integer
Fbs Fasting blood sugar Integer; 1=true, 0=false
Restecg Resting electrocardiographic results Integer; [0,2]
Talach Maximum heart rate achieved Integer
Exang Exercise induced angina Integer; 1= yes, 0=no


Oldpeak ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest Real
Slope The slope of the peak exercise ST segment Integer
Number of major vessels Number of major vessels (0-3) colored by flourosopy Integer
Thal Thal Integer
Num The predicted attribute Integer; 0=no, 1= yes



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